
This driving simulator study compared drivers’ eye movements during a series of lane-changes, which required different levels of motor control for their execution. Participants completed 12 lane-changing manoeuvres in three drives, categorised by degree of manual engagement with the driving task: Fully Manual Drive, Manual Intervention Required, Fully Automated Drive (Manual drive, Partial automation, Full automation). For Partial automation, drivers resumed control from the automated system and changed lane manually. For Full automation, the automated system managed the lane change, but participants initiated the manoeuvre by pulling the indicator lever. Results were compared to the Manual drive condition, where drivers controlled the vehicle at all times. For each driving condition, lane changing was initiated by drivers, at their discretion, in response to a slow-moving lead vehicle, which entered their lane. Failure to change lane did not result in a collision. To understand how different motor control requirements affected driver visual attention, eye movements to the road centre, and drivers' vertical and horizontal gaze dispersion were compared during different stages of the lane change manoeuvre, for the three drives. Results showed that drivers' attention to the road centre was generally lower for drives with less motor control requirements, especially when they were not engaged in the lane change process. However, as drivers moved closer to the lead vehicle, and prepared to change lane, the pattern of eye movements to the road centre converged, regardless of whether drivers were responsible for the manual control of the lane change. While there were no significant differences in horizontal gaze dispersion between the three drives, vertical dispersion for the two levels of automation was quite different, with higher dispersion during Partial automation, which was due to a higher reliance on the HMI placed in the centre console.

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