
The dynamical states of molecular clouds may affect the properties of the stars they form. In the vicinity of the Trifid Nebula ($d=1180\pm25$ pc), the main star cluster (Trifid Main) lies within an expanding section of the molecular cloud; however, ~0.3 deg to the north (Trifid North), the cloud's velocity structure is more tranquil. We acquired a Chandra X-ray observation to identify pre-main-sequence stars in Trifid North, complementing a previous observation of Trifid Main. In Trifid North, we identified 51 candidate pre-main-sequence stars, of which 13 are high-confidence Trifid members based on Gaia EDR3 parallaxes and proper motions. We also re-analyzed membership of Trifid Main and separated out multiple background stellar associations. Trifid North represents a stellar population ~10% as rich as Trifid Main that formed in a separate part of the cloud. The 1D stellar velocity dispersion in Trifid North ($0.6\pm0.2$ km/s) is three times lower than in Trifid Main ($1.9\pm0.2$ km/s). Furthermore, in Trifid Main, proper motions indicate that the portion of the star cluster superimposed on the optical nebula is expanding. Expansion of the HII region around the O-star HD 164492A, and the resulting gas expulsion, can explain both the motions of the stars and gas in Trifid Main. Contrary to previous studies, we find no evidence that a cloud-cloud collision triggered star formation in the region.

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