
The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of manager's orientation concerning to corporate social responsibility (CSR) and manager's typology towards the effectiveness of CSR's implementation and to find out whether or not there is a difference on the orientation of managers in certain levels of managerial position (Top and Middle) This research uses a survey method in collecting data towards the managers involvement in the activity of CSR in PT Sido Muncul. Fifty one (51) respondents had been chosen using purposive sampling. Data have been analyzed using Logistic Regression to find out the effect among variables and two Independent t-test to find out the difference of manager orientation on managerial level (Top and Middle) There is no economic orientation difference, ethic orientation and manager discretionary orientation between top and middle level manager. Meanwhile, the manager legal orientation shows a significant difference between top and middle level manager. Result of the effect between manager orientation concerning to the corporate social responsibility and manager typology simultaneously shows that there is a tendency to have a significant effect towards the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility implementation This research is a case study implemented in Sido Muncul Ltd., so the result of this research is still limited to the situation and the condition in Sido Muncul Ltd. Therefore, for further research, it could be developed to the same corporations or other in order to get more understanding about the effect of manager orientation concerning to the corporate social responsibility, employee typology and the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility implementation Recommendation to the Sido Muncul Ltd. to socialize and give an understanding to all managerial levels about values, vision and program objective of corporate social responsibility and evaluate the programs of implemented social responsibility, so that this could give a good learning and increasing quality of further activity. This research is developing Stakeholder Theory and Agency Theory linking the variables related to the concept of social responsibility implemented by the corporation

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