
POULTRYMEN have long been seeking a method to alter the growth pattern of both egg-type and meat-type pullets in an attempt to improve performance during the laying period. Vondell (1943) reported that allowing feeders to become empty each day and withholding feed one day a week resulted in satisfactory pullets. Novikoff and Biely (1945) reported that restricting feed intake from 1 day to 12 months of age resulted in slower growth and lowered egg production.Many workers have found that restricting feed intake during the growing period results in delaying sexual maturity of pullets (Milby and Sherwood, 1953, 1956; Davis and Watts, 1955; Quisenberry, 1959; Fuller, 1960). Davis and Watts (1955) reported that restriction of feed intake of New Hampshire pullets during the growing period resulted in slightly larger initial eggs, while Milby and Sherwood (1956) and Quisenberry (1959) reported that egg size at any given age was not affected …

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