
Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technology has become the gold standard in mitochondrial DNA research due to its high sensitivity in detecting mtDNA heteroplasmy, a prognostic marker in various medical applications. Various MPS technologies and platforms used for mtDNA analysis exist. Obtaining reliable and sensitive results requires deep and uniform coverage of the entire mtDNA sequence, which is heavily influenced by the choice of library preparation method and sequencing platform. Here, we present a comparison of the sequencing coverage and the ability to heteroplasmy detection using two library preparation protocols (Nextera XT DNA Library Preparation Kit and Nextera DNA Flex Library Preparation Kit) and two different (MiSeq FGx and ISeq 100) Illumina MPS platforms. Our study indicates that the Nextera DNA Flex Library protocol provides a more balanced coverage along the mitogenome and a reliable heteroplasmy detection with both MiSeq and iSeq Illumina MPS systems.

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