
Kamala is described under Raktavaha Srotas & Yakrit-pliha is the mula sthan of Raktavaha Srotas. Acharya Charaka said that Kamala is next stage of pandu mainly cause due to frequently consumption of Ushna (hot), Tikshna (spicy) food i.e. Pittaprakopak Ahara (increasing level of Pitta) but Sushruta and Vagbhata have accepted Kamala (Jaundice) not only as one of the complications of Pandu Roga (Aneamia) but also in association of other diseases. Due to these factors vitiation of Pitta (bile), Rakta (blood) and Mamsa (muscles) Dhatu occurs. Symptoms like yellowish discoloration of skin (Twak pitata), sclera (netra pitata), urine (Mutra pitata), stool (Purisha pitata) etc. are clinical symptoms of Kamala. Ayurveda believes in treating disease at its root cause from within. The present article is a case report of 56 years old male, farmer by profession visited in OPD and then admitted in IPD of Dr. M.N. Agashe Dharmarth Rugnalalaya, Satara on 07/12/2020 having complaining of Netra pitata (icterus), Mutrapitata (Yellowish urine), Adhmana (pain in abdomen), Sakashta mutrapravrutti (painful micturition), Padashotha (Bipedal edema), Mukhapaka (Mouth ulcer) from last 4 days. He was on antihypertensive drug regularly. He was having Arsha (bleeding hemorrhoids), also having h/o Kamala 2 years ago. The patient was treated with Ayurveda management under IPD and then OPD basis for 3 weeks. This helps to achieve complete curative and prophylactic management of Bahupitta Kamala through Ayurveda.

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