
This study aims to determine the effect of learning models guided inquiry by paying attention to the initial ability of students' learning competencies. This type of research used is quasi-experimental. The research design is factorial design 2x2 for the knowledge domain competency and the static group comparison design for the attitude and skills domain competency. The population used is the students of class X MIPA SMAN 1 Kuantan Mudik who were registered in the academic year 2019/2020. Sampling using purposive sampling technique , obtained class X MIPA 1 as an experimental class and Class X MIPA 2 as a control class. The instrument used was a written test with questions for knowledge competencies, observation sheets and assessment rubrics for attitude competencies and appearances. Data analysis was performed with normality test, homogeneity test and hypothesis test using SPSS software. The results of this study indicate that there are significant differences in the learning model guided inquiry by paying attention to the initial ability of the students' knowledge competence and there is a significant difference in thelearning model guided inquiry towards the attitude competencies and skills of the students.

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