
This study aims to determine the effect of leadership, work environment on morale which has an impact on the performance of the Palembang City Social Service staff. The research approach is quantitative research with associative research type. Based on the calculation of the influence between lines, it is known that the direct influence of leadership on employee performance is 0.183, while the indirect effect of leadership on employee performance is 0.089726. Meanwhile, the direct effect of the employee work environment on employee performance is 0.269, while the indirect effect of the employee work environment on employee performance is 0.09802. Thus it can be concluded that a more effective path is the path between Leadership and Employee Performance through Employee Morale. Leadership through Work Spirit at the Palembang City Social Service Employees has a significant effect on the Employee Performance variable that needs to be improved. The calculated value is low (X1 → Y → Z = (0.238). (0.377) = 0.089726). There needs to be supervision and evaluation from the leadership. The Work Environment through Work Spirit of the Palembang City Social Service Employees has a significant effect on the Employee Performance variable. The results of the estimation can be obtained that the value is 0.09802 so it needs monitoring and evaluation of the Palembang City Social Service Employees. This study concludes that the leadership and work environment of employees have a significant effect on employee morale and their impact on employee performance variables so that the role of leadership and work environment is needed in increasing employee morale which will ultimately have an impact on employee performance.

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