
The rising incidence of cancer and the lack of effective therapeutic interventions for many neurological illnesses like Alzheimer's and epilepsy has prompted us to investigate the composition and effects of the Lavandula coronopifolia oil from Palestine on cancer cells and AMPA receptor subunits in the brain due to the vast range of beneficial properties of Lavandula coronopifolia essential oil (EO). GC/MS was used to analyze L. coronopifolia's EO chemistry. EO's cytotoxicity and biophysical effects on AMPA receptors were investigated using MTS and electrophysiological techniques. The GC–MS results revealed that L. coronopifolia EO has a high content of eucalyptol (77.23%), β-pinene (6.93%), and α-pinene (4.95%). The EO showed more significant antiproliferative selectivity activities against HepG2 cancer cell lines than HEK293T cell lines with IC50 values of 58.51 and 133.22 µg/mL, respectively. The EO of L. coronopifolia affected AMPA receptor kinetics (desensitization and deactivation) and preferred homomeric GluA1 and heteromeric GluA1/A2 receptors. These findings indicate the potential therapeutic use of L. coronopifolia EO in the selective treatment of HepG2 cancer cell lines and neurodegenerative diseases.

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