
Laminin-1 regulates neurite outgrowth in various neuronal cells. We have previously demonstrated that laminin-1 promotes enteric neural crest-derived cell (ENCC) migration by using Sox10-VENUS transgenic mice, in which ENCCs are labeled with a green fluorescent protein, Venus. Mice lacking the endothelin-B receptor gene, Ednrb -/- mice, are widely used as a model for Hirschsprung's disease (HD). The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of laminin-1on ENCC migration in Sox10-VENUS+/Ednrb -/- mice, a newly created HD mice model. Fetal guts were dissected on embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5). Specimens were incubated either with, or without laminin-1 for 24h and images were taken under a stereoscopic microscope. The length from the stomach to the wavefront of ENCC migration (L-E) and the total length of the gut (L-G) were measured. Changes in the ratio of L-E to L-G (L-E/L-G) after 24h were calculated. On E12.5, the wavefront of ENCC migration in the HD gut samples was located in the midgut, whereas the wavefront of ENCC in Sox10-VENUS+/Ednrb +/+ (WT) samples had reached the hindgut. After 24h, L-E/L-G had increased by 1.49%, from 34.97 to 36.46%, in HD gut and had increased by 1.07%, from 48.08 to 49.15%, in HD with laminin-1, suggesting there was no positive effect of laminin-1 administration on ENCC migration in HD. Our results suggest that laminin-1 does not have a positive effect on ENCC migration in HD mice on E12.5, in contrast to the phenomenon seen in normal mice gut specimens, where laminin-1 promotes ENCC migration during the same period. This suggests that there is an impairment in the interaction between ENCC and extracellular environmental factors, which are required for normal development of the enteric nervous system, resulting in an aganglionic colonin HD.

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