
The purpose of this research was to know the effect of Islamic interactive media by using adobe flash CS6 on student’s learning outcomes in the topic of one variable linear equation. This study was conducted at class 7 of SMP Negeri 1 Arjasa Jember, east Java Indonesia in the 2018-2019 academic years. This research used a quantitative approach in the form of true-experimental design. The research design was two group pretest and post-test. Cluster random sampling was used as the sampling technique. Data collection technique was in the form of tests. Independent sample t test was used to analyse the data. Based on the t test analysis, it was found that in the pretest, there were no significance differences between the experimental class learning outcomes and the control class learning outcomes (sig 0.904) this indicated that two classes have the same initial ability. While in post-test there was significant differences between the learning outcomes of the experiment class and learning outcomes of the control class (sig 0.1006), with average outcome of experimental class of 86.45 higher than the average outcome of the control class of 79.16. The research finding showed that there was an influence of Islamic interactive media using adobe flash CS6 on student learning outcomes.

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