
The main objectives of irrigated agriculture are: obtaining the greatest amount of quality products and the preservation of soil fertility. In this case, irrigated crop rotation is one of the factors for the reproduction of soil fertility, favourable phytosanitary conditions in crops and soil protection from erosion. The potential number of lucerne mowing is determined by the thermal resources of the area, and the actual is closely related to the conditions of optimum soil moisture. In the first year 2–4 mowing of lucerne can already be obtained in various areas of the country, over the next two-three years – 4-7 mowing, or 6–10 tons of hay per hectare in the first year and 120–225 centres in the next. Considering the reduction areas of irrigated and drained lands, it becomes relevant to the competent use of the available reclaimed land. The article presents scientifically-based lucerne irrigation regimes that meet the requirements of a plant in water at the lowest cost per unit of production, provides estimated water consumption data and suggests an economical water consumption for obtaining lucerne yield. Considering the irrigation regime of lucerne, the irrigation rate is significant. Since lucerne is a crop with a deeply penetrating root system, watering should be carried out with moistening of the entire root zone. The required amount of water per irrigation depends on the depth of the root system and the water holding capacity of the soil. The study of whether it is possible to obtain the desired effect with smaller irrigation rates is dictated by the increased capabilities of irrigation technology and these issues are presented in the scientific article. The article gives conclusions about the effect of various irrigation regimes on the formation of lucerne yields for hay.

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