
It is found experimentally that the competitive interaction of the oppositely directed (OD) light waves in YAG:Nd3+ and ruby solid-state ring lasers OIRL) can be significantly reduced due to nonlinear optical effects (second harmonic generation, stimulated Raman scattering, resonant absorption) since the nonlinear losses for the wave of lower intensity are lower. It was established that in the SRL with a resonantly absorbing medium the spatially inhomogeneous burning-out and the slowness of the relaxation of the inverted population in the solid-state active medium may result in strong phase nonreciprocity due to the frequency shift of the OD waves after their reflection from the moving lattice of the inverted population. The beat frequency strongly depends on detuning between the gain and absorption lines and may be more than two orders of magnitude less in comparison with the resonator frequency difference in the rotating SRL. The possibility has been shown of active stabilization of the bidirectional generation in the beat regime using the nonreciprocal amplitude Faraday element controlled by the external feedback circuit via the difference of the OD waves intensities.

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