
Although lab study is accepted as a fundamental and helpful part of science education, many studies have shown that lab education has not properly reached its objective. The primary reliance on verification-type lab activities may be one reason why lab education has failed to provide expected learning outcomes. Many believe that lab education should move away from traditional verification-type applications toward helping students to embrace the importance of experimentation in learning and to understand the role of self-management in the learning process. This study aimed to determine the effect of a scientific-inquiry-based learning method on prospective chemistry teachers’ critical thinking. A pretest–posttest design was used with 27 prospective chemistry teachers’ enrolled in the Department of Chemistry Education at Hacettepe University, who were divided into two groups. In analyzing the data, nonparametric tests were used since sampling numbers were below the recommended values. The experimental group participated in an inquiry-based chemistry laboratory activity, whereas the control group experienced a traditional verification laboratory approach. The results indicated that inquiry-based learning is effective in promoting critical thinking.

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