
Intra-amniotic inoculation of influenza C virus resulted in observable and quantitatively measurable changes in the Purkinje cells of chick embryo cerebellum. Purkinje cells were visualized by the Golgi-Cox procedure and prepared for statistical and computer evaluation from camera lucida drawings. Four computer-generated measurements (the area of the dendritic arbor, the perimeter of the dendritic tree, and the height and width of the cell's arborization) and two manually counted measurements (total number of branches and the number of first order branches) were made. Analysis of Purkinje cells from influenza C virus-infected embryos showed disturbances in dendritic arborization patterns and misalignment in the arrangement of the cells in the Purkinje cell layer compared to control cells. Statistical evaluation of Purkinje cell arborization showed significant decreases in all measured parameters for the influenza C virus-infected members when compared with the members of the uninfected control group.

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