
The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of the subgingival application of 0.8% hyaluronic acid (HA)gel as an adjunct to scaling and root planing (SRP) in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Twenty patientswith chronic periodontitis were recruited to participate in a study and divided to Group 1 (G1) treated with8% hyaluronic acid gel as an adjunctive to scaling and root planning (HARP) and Group 2 (G 2) treated withscaling and root planning only. Plaque index (PL.I) Gingival index (G.I) and bleeding on probing (B.O.P)were evaluated pretreatment (baseline) (1st visits), one week (2nd visits), and 4 weeks (3rd visit) posttreatment. Subgingival plaque sample were taken for microbiologic analysis at baseline and 4 weeks posttreatment. Intragroup comparison result between visits for Group 1showed that there was highly significantdifferent for BOP, CFU, and no significant different for PLI and GI between 2nd and 3rd visit. For G 2, therewas highly significant different for GI and significant for PLI and BOP, and non-significant different CFU,between 2nd and 3rd visit. Intergroup comparison for clinical parameter and bacteriological result betweenvisits Showed that there was highly significant different in1st visit for PLI, BOP and CFU in 3 rd visit. Itcan be conclude that the local application of hyaluronic acid gel (0.8%) in conjunction with scaling androot planning have a beneficial effect on clinical periodontal parameter and may prevent recolonization ofperiodontal pathogens in patients with chronic periodontitis

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