
Turgor (Ψp) and osmotic potential (Ψs) in epidermal and mesophyll cells, in-situ xylem water potential (Ψ-xyl) and gas exchange were measured during changes of air humidity and light in leaves ofTradescantia virginiana L., Turgor of single cells was determined using the pressure probe. Sap of individual cells was collected with the probe for measuring the freezing-point depression in a nanoliter osmometer. Turgor pressure was by 0.2 to 0.4 MPa larger in mesophyll cells than in epidermal cells. A water-potential gradient, which was dependent on the rate of transpiration, was found between epidermis and mesophyll and between tip and base of the test leaf. Step changes of humidity or light resulted in changes of epidermal and mesophyll turgor (Ψp-epi, Ψp-mes) and could be correlated with the transpiration rate. Osmotic potential was not affected by a step change of humidity or light. For the humidity-step experiments, stomatal conductance (g) increased with increasing epidermal turgor.Δg/Ψp-epi appeared to be constant over a wide range of epidermal turgor pressures. In light-step experiments this type of response was not found and stomatal conductance could increase while epidermal turgor decreased.

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