
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of harvest dates on peanut yield, total lipid, fatty acid composition, phytosterols, Aspergillus section Flavi, and aflatoxin occurrence in two important high oleic peanut cultivars (IAC 503 and IAC OL3) in Brazil. Peanut yield and shelling percentage variation were not significant throughout the harvest dates for both cultivars. Total lipid concentration was higher in IAC 503 (48 g/100 g) than in IAC OL3 (45 g/100 g) cultivar and increased significantly over harvest time. Stearic acid showed significant variation during the harvest dates among the fatty acids. Stigmasterol concentration increased over harvest time in both cultivars. The harvest date influenced the quantities of Aspergillus section Flavi in the IAC OL3 cultivar. No sample showed contamination by aflatoxins. The proposed harvest dates slightly influenced the main compounds evaluated. These preliminary results are promising, considering the versatility they could bring to the peanut production chain.

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