
World Health Organization reported in 2015 more than 1.5 billion population is infected with Ascaris Lumbricoides and in Indonesia on 2013 the average prevalence of infection reaches more than 28%, this study aims to investigate the effect of habits on wearing footwear and hand washing after playing on the ground against worms. The type of this research is Explanatory Research, Data were collected through interviews, documentation and examination of stool, Data was analyzed by univariate, bivariate and multivariate test. The results showed of the effect of wearing footwear Against Worms with p value 0.002 and Exp (B) 43.587 in Confidence Interval 95% is 3.848 until 493.702 and handwashing habits after playing on the ground had an effect on helminthiasis with a p value of 0.007 and Exp (B) of 28.629 in Confidence Interval of 95% between 2.482 to 330.196. According to researchers, worms live on the ground and are very quickly transmitted through the skin of the soles of the feet therefore every child needs to use footwear every time they leave home and the best way to break the chain of transmission of worms by maintaining personal hygiene, such as washing hands with soap after playing on the ground.

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