
ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to know the effect of using Guided Discovery learning model on the students’ achievement in physics especially in temperature topic at VII Grade SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi. The research method is quasi experiment. The populations are all of VII grade students in semester II that consist of 9 classes SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi. The samples of this research are two classes and consist of 70 students, 34 students from experiment class and 36 students from control class and define by random sampling. Data shows that pre test mean value of experiment class is 42.06 and control class is 40.3. Post test mean value of experiment class is 70 and control class is 65.28. The data distribution of both sample are normal and homogenous. The criteria for hypothesis test is: H 0 is accepted if -t table t table and Ha is rejected if t count has another score. Based on research data for α = 0.05, obtained t count = 1.73, where t table = 1.67. So, there is effect of Guided Discovery Learning Model on the Student’s Achievement in Temperature Topic at VII Grade in SMP N 1 Tebing Tinggi Academic Year 2013/2014. Based on observation using observation sheet of student activity, it can be concluded that the students in experiment class are more active than control class. Key word: Guided Discovery, student’s achievement, physics

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