
In accordance with the purpose of the current study, there have been presented the study results of the productivity and grain quality of the co-breeding winter bread wheat varieties. Kalmykia RAI, the branch of the “Pre-Kaspy AFRC RAS” in cooperation with the FSBSI “NCG named after P.P. Lukyanenko” developed five winter bread wheat varieties. The Competitive Variety Testing was laid down in 2 layers in 4-fold repetition using a CH-16 seeder in 2017–2021. The accounting area of the plot was 50 m². The sowing was carried out at the optimal time, in the third decade of September. The seeding rate was 300 germinating seeds per 1 m². The crop was sown in weedfree fallow. The mean grain productivity of the co-breeding varieties through 5 years in the arid conditions of the Republic of Kalmykia was 3.06 t/ha. The variety ‘Khasyr’ had the maximum productivity. The study has confirmed that the co-breeding varieties formed high-quality grain suitable for baking. The highest percentage of protein (14.8%) and gluten (31.1%) among the varieties through the past 5 years was in 2020. Grain unit of all varieties exceeded the basic rate of 750 g/l and ranged from 765 to 786 g/l. The best grain unit was demonstrated by the new variety ‘Khamdan’. Grain sedimentation among the varieties varied on average from 42.0 to 49.4 ml, which is an average ratio for this crop. The flour strength ranged from 171 to 299 u.a. Strong flour was obtained from the variety ‘Bulgun’. In recent years the bread volume varied from 515 to 650 cm³, the total rate of grain and flour of the co-breeding varieties was 4.0 - 4.8, which is typical for valuable and strong wheat.

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