
Coconut water green is a healthy drink, it contains vitamin C, calcium, and magnesium, which can reduce tension muscles, and is a functional anti-inflammatory to lower painful menstruation. To know the effect of coconut water green on Primary dysmenorrhea in adolescent daughters. Research design This uses quasi-experiment pretest posttest, and retrieval sample using the technique of purposive sampling of as many as 30 respondents. data is collected using a questionnaire. A Numerical rating scale (NRS) is used before and after a given intervention. and analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Show that happen decline scale painful menstruation after consuming coconut water with a value (P <0.000). There is an effect of giving coconut water green to decline painful Primary dysmenorrhea in adolescent daughters. Recommended to a teenage daughter who experiences pain at times menstruation for consuming coconut water green.

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