
Abstract The mono-wire joints composed of cylindrical steel to steel interfaces were used to investigate the effect of glue-line thickness with an epoxy structural adhesive. Compression and tension joints were concentrically constructed and after curing, axially loaded to failure. Nine glue-line thicknesses 0.001 to 0.100 in and five bond lengths were tested. The strongest joints were obtained with the thinnest glue-lines and increases up to 0.060 in diminished the strength by about 32% for both compression and tension specimens. From 0.60 to 0.10 in the joint strength was almost constant. Test results displayed C of V for the joint strength of between 6.89 % and 13.41 %. A relationship was found among mean breaking force, glue-line thickness and bond strength. In general, compression test pieces were slightly stronger than the tension ones.

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