
This study investigated the feasibility of altering the dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD) in grass by altering the grass variety and the amount and formulation of K fertilizer application. In experiment 1, treatments were combinations of 2 varieties (Barcel and Hi-Mag) of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb); 2 rates of K (0 and 250kg/ha), supplied as KCl; and 2 rates of Mg (0 and 60kg/ha), supplied as MgO. In experiment 2, K fertilizer was applied at 0 or 125kg/ha as KCl or K2SO4. There was no difference between HiMag and Barcel tall fescue in the concentrations of Mg, S, and Cl. Application of K fertilizer decreased concentrations of Mg, but the magnitude of the decrease was not consistent across harvests. Conversely, application of Mg fertilizer increased Mg concentrations, but again, the magnitude of the increase was not consistent across harvests. The concentrations of Ca were higher in HiMag than in Barcel tall fescue, with the magnitude of the difference increasing from first to last harvest. Potassium fertilizer decreased Ca concentrations in the first, fourth, and fifth harvests only. Calcium concentration was decreased by a greater magnitude in HiMag tall fescue as a result of Mg fertilization. The HiMag tall fescue contained lower concentrations of K than did Barcel tall fescue in the first, second, and third harvests. Application of K fertilizer increased the K concentration in all 5 harvests but did not affect Na concentrations except in the last harvest. The HiMag tall fescue contained less Na than did Barcel, but the magnitude of the difference was affected by K and Mg fertilization. Application of K fertilizer decreased S concentrations in first-harvest grass, increased concentrations in second-and third-harvest grasses, and had no effect in fourth-or fifth-harvest grasses. Application of Mg fertilizer decreased S concentrations of tall fescue. Application of K fertilizer increased DCAD values for grass harvested from the second through fifth harvests. The increase in DCAD attributable to K fertilizer was less in HiMag than in Barcel tall fescue. Application of K fertilizer as K2SO4 increased dry matter yield and S concentrations of HiMag tall fescue, whereas K applied as KCl increased concentrations of K and Cl. There was no effect of fertilizer formulation on Na concentrations. The DCAD was lower in HiMag tall fescue fertilized with K2SO4 compared with that fertilized with KCl. This study showed that DCAD of grass can be manipulated by the choice of grass variety, fertilizer formulation, and fertilizer application rate.

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