
In a series of three experiments, the effect of offering conserved forage indoors to grazing dairy cows was examined. In Experiment 1, hay was offered ad libitum for 45 min after morning milking. In Experiments 2 (early season) and 3 (late season), silage was offered ad libitum either after morning milking or overnight. All experiments included a control grazing treatment that received no supplementary forage. Grazing time was reduced by offering forage, particularly at the high levels of forage intake when cows were housed overnight. The bite size and rate of herbage DM intake were reduced for cows eating large quantities of silage, but the rate of biting was not affected. As the grazing season advanced there was a small increase in the rate of biting and grazing time in all treatments, but a large reduction in bite size and the rate of herbage intake. Heifers had a 25% smaller bite size, 5% faster rate of biting and similar grazing times to cows. Spring-calving cows had higher grazing times than autumn-calving cows, with little difference in biting rate. Forage was consumed at a rate between 2 and 4 times that of grazed herbage. Offering forage increased rumination times, particularly when it was eaten in large quantities. Rumination time was reduced for cows on spring grass and when total intakes were low.

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