
Football is one of the most popular and widespread sports in the world, as it has reached an extent that has not reached other sports, and with the great development in the intensity of sports competitions, this was accompanied by a high incidence of sports injuries, especially in the muscles of the lower extremities, as it constitutes (35%) of the total injuries In football, the best way to reduce these injuries is to use flexibility and agility exercises to reduce them, as these exercises give flexibility and elasticity to the muscles and make the player able to change direction with different playing positions as well as make the muscles able to withstand the effort exerted on them. The thesis aimed to prepare exercises for flexibility and agility to reduce some muscle injuries, and to know the effect of these exercises to reduce some muscle injuries, and to raise the efficiency of muscle groups of the lower extremities of the research sample The researcher assumed that there are statistically significant differences between the results of the pre-tests and the post-tests in reducing some muscle injuries of the lower extremities, and that they have a positive effect in reducing the injury The researcher used the experimental method in the one-group method for its suitability to the nature of the message, and the research sample was determined on football players for the youth category of Al-Jawiya Club for the sports season (2020/2021), whose number is 23 players, as they were deliberately chosen from the original community by (3) units per week. The duration of the program lasted (6) weeks, as the total number of units was (18) units, and after the completion of the program, post-tests were conducted and appropriate statistical treatments were used to reach the results, after which the results were presented, analyzed and discussed, and the researcher reached conclusions, the most important of which was raising The efficiency of the muscle groups of the lower extremities through the emergence of test results in favor of the post-tests, which gives a positive indication and a conclusive evidence in the development of these muscles. As for the recommendations, the most important of which is the need to use flexibility and agility (preventive) exercises prepared by the researcher because of their positive and noticeable effect in reducing some Muscle injuries for the research sample

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