
Purpose: To assess the degree of emotional stress in clinically healthy dogs of the Husky breed with a different method of fixation, according to the indicators of variational heart rate measurement, in accordance with the indices of R.M. Baevsky. Data indicating a direct dependence on the method of fixation, as well as the method of registration of the electrocardiogram, on the autonomic regulation of the heart rhythm were obtained. Methods for recording an electrocardiogram with the least pronounced effect on humoral and vegetative tone are allocated, the degree of predominance of the interaction of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system in the regulation of the cardiac cycle in dogs is determined.Materials and methods. To conduct the study, a group of dogs was formed, husky breeds that included clinically healthy 11 dogs with a live weight of 19 to 25 kg. Age restrictions ranged from 2 to 7 years. The electrocardiogram was recorded using the Conan hardware and software complex.Outcomes. Data indicating a direct dependence on the method of fixation, as well as the method of registration of the electrocardiogram, on the autonomic regulation of the heart rhythm were obtained. Methods for recording an electrocardiogram with the least pronounced effect on humoral and vegetative tone are allocated, the degree of predominance of the interaction of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system in the regulation of the cardiac cycle in dogs is determined.Conclusion. In the course of the interpretation of the data obtained, it is possible to conclude: the use of electrocardiogram registration techniques using rigid fixation has a more pronounced effect on the vegetative tone, as well as the emotional state of the dogs under study. Taking into account this factor, it should be noted that despite the absence of indications characteristic of diseases in the studied group of animals, variational pulsometry according to the indices of Baevsky R. M. is applicable not only to extract deeper, more valuable prognostic information about the nature of possible changes in the myocardium and coronary vessels under various micro and macro effects on the body, but also to obtain information about the balance and stability of self-regulation processes.

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