
Objectives: In this study we aimed to investigate the effects of erythropoietin administration on Na,K-ATPase enzyme activity in diabetic patients with polyneuropathy. Methods: The study was carried out at Meram Education and Research Hospital department of Nephrology and Selcuk University Meram School of Medicine Hospital department of Biochemistry, Turkey. Eleven diabetic patients with diabetic polyneuropathy and on erythropoietin therapy and ten healthy control were contributed to this study. Diabetic group was formed from the patients with polyneuropathy and on erythropoietin therapy. Erythropoietin was administered with a dose of 150 U/kg/ week to the patients. Heparinized blood samples were taken from the control group for once and from the patients for twice before and one month after the erythropoietin therapy. Erythrocyte membranes were isolated and erythrocyte membrane Na,K-ATPase enzyme activities were measured. Na,K-ATPase activities were given as mmolPi.mg.protein –1.10 min-1. Results: Na,K-ATPase enzyme activities were 2.91±0.38 μmolPi.mg.prt-1.10min-1, 1.93±0.38 μmolPi.mg.prt-1.10min-1 and 2.40±0.63 μmolPi.mg.prt-1.10min-1 in control group, and patient group before and after therapy, respectively. Na,K-ATPase enzyme activities decreased in patient group before the therapy compared to the control group and significantly increased in patient group after erythropoietin therapy compared to the basal levels of the patients. We determined 24% increase in erythrocyte Na,K-ATPase activities after one month EPO application compared to the basal levels. Conclusion: It was concluded that erythropoietin therapy could improve neuropathy and this improvement was supported with the increase in Na,K-ATPase activities which could be used as a marker.

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