
The purpose of this study was to identify the causes of employee turnover; examine the effect of labour turnover on performance of the organizational and identify strategies for reducing employee turnover in Zoomlion Ghana Limited. A descriptive cross sectional survey was conducted among 120 purposively selected employees of Zoomlion in Ho Township. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were computed. Results show that “lack of motivation influence their decision to leave” “lack of good working conditions”, “lack of recognition of one’s effort”, “lack of staff training and development”, “work loaded is too much”, “unfair management treatment”, “low career development opportunities”, “pursue of higher education”, “lack of promotional opportunities”, “higher salary has influence my exit”, “poor quality of job training”, “lack of proper supervision”, and “poor chances of improving skills” are the causes of labour turnover in Zoomlion Ghana Limited. The study also establishes that on “Loss of productivity”, “Reduce profitability of business”, “High cost of training and recruiting new employees”, “Management frustration” and “Decline in service quality” are the effect of labour turnover on organization performance. Also “Rewarding employees for long service”, “Management institute flexible time schedules for employees”, and “Free health care for employees” are the strategies being adopted by management to reduce employee turnover. The study therefore recommends that recognition for significant accomplishment, chance of advancement and giving opportunity to grow and career development has to be taken in to consideration. Also, proper treatment of employees, enhanced pay, and fair promotion will increase employee responsibility. Therefore, management should properly treat the employees.

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