
Drawing on insights from the conservation of resources theory and the job demands-resources theory, our study investigates the association between two types of emotional labor-surface and deep acting-and the psychological well-being of firefighters. In addition, it investigates the moderating effect of transformational leadership within this context. To this end, this study utilizes ordinary least squares models to analyze survey data from 1453 firefighters in Gyeonggi-do, South Korea's largest province by population. The findings reveal a negative association between both types of emotional labor and the psychological well-being of firefighters. The study further demonstrates that transformational leadership mitigates the adverse effects of surface acting on psychological well-being. Our research indicates that transformational leadership plays a pivotal role in replenishing lost emotional resources, thereby enhancing the mental and emotional health of those engaged in demanding roles such as firefighting and emergency medical services. Accordingly, the study highlights a vital strategy for maintaining the psychological well-being of firefighters.

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