
Laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate the effect of food quality, measured as surface charge of the particles, on capture efficiency and ingestion rate by the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina. Fluorescent particles in two size classes of around 1 and 4 microm and of 7 different qualities were offered to the flagellate: carbohydrate and albumin particles, the algae Synechocystis spec. and Chlorella spec., carboxylated microspheres, silicate particles and bacteria. Rates of particle uptake showed significant differences depending on particle size and quality, and ranged from 0 to 4 particles cell(-1) h(-1). Ingestion rates were up to 4 times higher for 4 pm particles than for 1 microm particles, which indicates strong size-selective feeding. Our main result is that the surface charge or zeta potential, of artificial particles, i.e. carboxylated microspheres (> or = -107 mV) and silicate particles, strongly differ from more natural and natural food (< or = -17 mV). For both size classes Oxyrrhis had ingestion rates up to 4 times higher for particles with less negative charge, such as albumin particles or algae. Thus, the zeta potential of the model food should be considered in experimental design. Particles with a zeta potential similar to that of natural food, e.g. albumin, seem to be the preferred model food.

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