
Vehicle interior noise level is the sum of the structure borne and air borne noises created on the road. Structure borne noises become less important at higher speeds and the airflow around the vehicle create the airborne wind noise. When the airflow comes across with the side mirrors, eddy currents create turbulent flow at the back of the mirror and near the A-pillar. Since the aerodynamic flow conditions frequently changes on the road (weather conditions, road obstacles, etc.), aerodynamic forces arise on the vehicle door. This aerodynamic door pressure distributions leads to complicated vibrations and increases interior noise level. The level of the wind noise conveyed from side door window sealing to the vehicle interior has a very significant effect on the customer’s perception of vehicle overall quality. In the present study, aspiration noise induced by sealing gap between the door and the sealing was investigated. Aerodynamic forces were calculated by CFD simulations at different speeds of vehicle and then door deformations caused by these aerodynamic forces were calculated. On the other hand, physical door deformations were measured on the road to digitize the perceived interior noise. The correlation between the sealing gap and the perceived interior noise level was expressed by examining the door stiffness and sealing pressure on the door.

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