
Media, as an effective ideological apparatus, bind society to sovereign power by will rather than pressure. Newspapers play an important role as part of the media in shaping the provision of consent. The purpose of this study is to explore the question of whether ideology has an effect on the news content in newspapers; specifically of Syria news in two ideologically opposed Turkish newspapers, Sabah and Cumhuriyet. According to interpretation of the data, both newspapers are ideologically biased in covering Syria news. Syria news is almost equal in terms of numbers however not equal in sizes. In positioning the news Cumhuriyet covers respectable number of related news on the first page, which shows that there is a great emphasis on the issue in its agenda. On the other hand Sabah does not seem to put much emphasis on the subject. In content analysis of the news Cumhuriyet has an even distribution according to subjects unlike Sabah, which handles the issue as foreign news. In news selection factors; Cumhuriyet covered more intensity impact news, more unexpected news, more familiar, continuing news and worse event containing news according to Sabah. Cumhuriyet and Sabah covered all its news compatible with their newspaper’s composition and balance. News coverage is almost same regarding the reference factor in news from elite nations, people or institutions. In conclusion, both newspapers have ideological bias according to their news content which is effective on shaping the public perception.

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