
In this paper, hydrogen (H) induced microcrack initiation in the first stage of crack propagation is studied. Based on the knowledge of fracture mechanics and discrete distributed dislocation method, the interaction model between hydrogen atoms at crack tip and dislocation source, the grain boundary (GB) penetration model and microcrack initiation criterion are established, and the microcrack initiation mechanism caused by dislocation pile-up near the grain boundary 2 (GB2) is studied. Meanwhile, the mechanism of dislocation synthesis (DS) caused by dislocation stacking is studied. The results show that hydrogen atoms promote the emission of dislocations at the crack tip. The distribution of H atoms at the crack tip (CT) leads to an increase in the number of dislocations penetrating the grain boundary, and the number of dislocation pile-up in the second phase grain increases. In the hydrogen environment, the number of dislocation pile-up near GB2 increases, resulting in a large stress concentration near GB2, which makes microcracks more likely to occur. At the same time, H can decrease the surface energy of materials, making materials more prone to brittle fracture. The study of hydrogen induced crack initiation is helpful to understand and control the impact of H on the performance and reliability of metal materials, which plays a crucial role in improving the working efficiency and service life of metal materials.

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