
Increasing employee productivity is certainly not easy and cannot be separated from adaptive efforts to developments and changes that occur. Facing various social and environmental phenomena that occur, of course the role of human resource management must be to be able to determine the right strategy to remain focused on achieving optimal employee productivity. In the current era of digitalization, the need to accelerate the achievement of employee productivity with advances in information technology is absolutely necessary. Changes in employee mindset and culture set regarding the use of various information technology facilities used by the organization must be realized so that the character of employees who are technologically literate and have digital competence can also be formed. The simplification of government bureaucracy, which is also a milestone in efforts to support increasing the competence and expertise of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN), must also be marked by the government's readiness to pay more specific attention to the digital literacy skills of each of its employees. own. Especially in the era of digital transformation and post-pandemic Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19), ASN are increasingly required to increase their digital literacy in order to increase work productivity which is the unit of measure for organizational success and performance. On the other hand, the strategic step that the government needs to take to increase employee productivity is to strengthen facilitating conditions which are believed to have a very significant influence on employee productivity. Based on the results of this research, it was found that digital literacy and facilitating conditions have a significant effect on employee productivity.

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