
The paper deals with assessment of a long-term experiment (45 and/or 53 years of investigation) in the 90-years-old European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stand in a selected region of East Slovakia. The research was performed from 1960 to 2013 on subplots managed by four different methods: (i) plot with heavy thinning from below (C grade according to the German forest research institutes from 1902), (ii) plot with free crown thinning (thinning interval of 5 years), (iii) plot with free crown thinning (thinning interval of 10 years) and (iv) control plot (with no thinning). The diameter and height structure was calculated by structural indices according to FĂźldner (1995). Additionally, the following quantitative parameters were analysed: number of trees (tree density), basal area, standing volume, total yield production, total annual volume increment, total tree number decrease including thinning, self-thinning and abiotic injurious factors. The most suitable structure documented by the above-mentioned indices was found on the plots managed by free crown thinning. Similarly, from the quantitative aspect, the highest values (total production according to basal area) were reached on the plot tended by free crown thinning (thinning interval of 5 years). As for the total production according to merchantable volume, the highest values were obtained from the plot treated with heavy thinning from below.

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