
This study examined the changes in color and translucency of flowable composites after immersion in different beverages. Thirty composite samples were prepared from four flowable composites (G-aenial Universal Flo, Filtek Ultimate, Esthelite Flow Quick, and Clearfil Majesty ES Flow) and a microhybrid composite (Filtek Z-250) and stored in distilled water at 37°C for 24 h. The samples were randomly divided into seven groups and then immersed in different beverages (Red Bull, coffee, black tea, Pepsi Cola, orange juice, and distilled water) for 7 days. The CIE L*a*b* values of each sample were measured against white and black backgrounds using a spectrophotometer before and after immersion. Data were analyzed using two-way analysis of variance and Tukey's post-hoc test (p < 0.05). The color changes were significantly different among the composite materials after immersion in beverages (p < 0.05). Filtek Ultimate and Esthelite Flow Quick exhibited less discoloration than did G-aenial Universal Flo and Clearfil Majesty ES Flow. No significant difference was found between Filtek Z-250 and either Filtek Ultimate or Esthelite Flow Quick (p > 0.05). Among the beverages, black tea and coffee caused the highest discoloration of all the materials. Immersion in coffee and black tea resulted in the highest negative changes in the translucency of the materials. The degree of discoloration for the composite resins depended on the material used and drinking beverage. SCANNING 38:701-709, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

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