
ABSTRACT SINGH and Shaffner (1950) found that increasing the calorie content of the diet appeared to raise metabolic rate in the chick. Mellen, Hill and Dukes (1954) reported that the fasting oxygen consumption of male chickens reared on a diet containing 975 Calories per pound was higher than that of similar chicks fed a diet containing only 505 Calories per pound. In the above experiments the diets at the lower energy level were suboptimal in energy and consequently may be considered to represent a low plane of nutrition. There do not, however, appear to be data regarding the effect of high energy levels on the basal metabolic rate of chickens. There have been studies on rats in which the effects of different levels of fat were investigated. Panos and Finerty (1953 Panos and Finerty (1954) found a relative decrease in the weight of the thyroid glands in rats fed fat-deficient diets, and other investigators . . .

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