
To evaluate the retention of yellow Hader clips after exposure to various denture cleansers. Seven groups of 18 yellow Hader clips each were soaked for the equivalent of 6 months of clinical use in the following denture cleansing solutions: Polident Regular, Polident Overnight, Efferdent, 5.25% Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl, 1:10 dilution) 15 min/day, NaOCl (1:10 dilution) 8 hours/day, water and dry (control) group. A Universal Testing Machine, set at a crosshead speed of 2 in/min, pulled each clip once, and the peak load-to-dislodgement was recorded and used as a measure to reflect changes in the retention of the Hader clips. Data were analyzed by a one-way analysis of variance followed by Tukey's HSD test. A p value < or = 0.05 was considered significant. Denture cleansing solutions affected the retentive values of yellow Hader clips (F= 6.102, p< or = .0001). Sodium hypochlorite solution, 15 min/day for 6 months, caused an increase in the retentive values of the clips tested with a mean peak load-to-dislodgement of 22.63 +/- 1.29 N. In addition, clips soaked in water showed no difference in retentive values when compared with all other groups. Furthermore, Polident Regular, Polident Overnight, Efferdent, and NaOCl (8 hours/day) had no effect on the retentive values of yellow Hader clips. This in vitro study demonstrated that the retention of yellow Hader clips used in implant overdentures is unaffected when soaked in commercial effervescent denture cleansers (Polident 5 Minute, Polident Overnight, and Efferdent) for six simulated months. Sodium hypochlorite statistically increased the single-pull retentive values of the clips, an effect that may not be beneficial. Increased retentive values may be associated with reduced durability of clips; further research is needed to address this issue.

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