
This study aimed to examine the impact and the relationship between organizational justice and the intention to leave and investigate the effect of demographic factors on study variables among the universities employees in Egypt. Organizational justice is explained as perceived fairness in terms of distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice, temporal justice and spatial justice at workplace. The study differs from other studies because of the research about employees working in private sector of higher education in Egypt. A hypothesized framework was developed and tested using stepwise multiple liner regression analysis on a sample of 438 academic staff and knowledge employees at different private universities were selected for survey and data were statistically tested by applying regression and correlation analysis. This study specifically, addressed the following questions: 1) What are the effects of organizational justice on the employees’ intention to leave in the private higher education sector in Egypt? 2) What are the effects of the demographic factors on the organizational justice and intention to leave in the private higher education sector in Egypt? The results of this study suggest that the perceptions of high levels of organizational justice lead to decrease in the level of intention to leave. The originality of this study contributes to the intention to leave literature and managerial practice in Higher Education Institutions by providing empirical evidence for the effects of demographic factors on organizational justice and intention to leave. The results revealed to that all five justice dimensions and total organizational justice were negatively significant to intention to leave. It can be concluded that age, educational level, university type and experience show the significant differences in intention to leave. Otherwise, there are significant differences in organizational justice among gender, age and experience among the employees worked in the private higher education sector in Egypt.

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