
Link of Video Abstract: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4wrqsa21hw An essential component of the ocular surface is the conjunctiva. The most common non-pigmented malignancy that can affect the conjunctiva is ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN). Despite the vast investigations on this deadly organism, certain elements related to demographics, clinical traits, and recurrence remain unclear. The objective of this review was to explore OSSN in depth. OSSN is classified into several types based on its clinical morphology, such as nodular, plaque, and diffuse OSSN. Plaque types can be classified into gelatinous, leucoplakia, and papilliform. Histopathological classification of OSSN consists of benign, pre-invasive, and invasive types. The OSSN tumor stadium can be classified using the TNM criteria by the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC). OSSN management can be divided into medical and surgical management based on classification and tumor stadium. Despite the advances in the treatment of OSSN, there are still variances and conflicting results in the recurrence after surgery, which certain demographic and clinical types of OSSN might cause. Further study is needed to confirm the significance of the recurrence of each demographic and clinical characteristic of each OSSN tumor.

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