
Globally, stunting has reached 149.2 million. Exclusive breastfeeding can protect children from stunting. Consuming soybeans can increase breast milk production, which contains isoflavone. Moreover, dates are one of the natural galactagogues. The study analyzed the effect of giving soy date milk on breast milk production in postpartum at Loa Kulu Health Center in 2023th. The research method is a quasi-experiment with a pre-post-test control group. Sampling uses purposive sampling. Based on the independent sample t-test used for control and experimental groups, we obtained a Pvalue 0.000 (Pvalue < α) that can be concluded that date soy milk affects breast milk production in postpartum at Loa Kulu Health Care Center in 2023. Isoflavones in soy milk will bind with α-estrogen receptors. Estradiol is the largest regulator for prolactin secretion, which plays a role in breast milk. Dates have a phytoestrogen, which exerts pressure on dopamine while stimulating the secretion of oxytocin and releasing breast milk. Producing date soy milk can be an economical alternative to increase milk production

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