
THE control of coccidiosis in chickens through the prophylactic administration of parasiticides in the feed has become a standard practice in practically all commercial poultry operations. The effect of continuing research for the control of avian coccidiosis is evidenced by the many products introduced in the U. S. during the past 20 years to combat this disease.Edgar (1958) lists several properties demanding of a new coccidiostat. Some of these properties include good mixing qualities, efficacy against lesser known intestinal species of coccidia, be palatable, non-toxic, and not adversely affect production or reproduction.Reid and Brewer (1967) compared the efficacy of Coyden® coccidiostat with several widely used commercial coccidiostats in birds inoculated with a mixture of six species of oocysts, including Eimeria tenella, E. necatrix, E. mivati, E. acervulina, E. brunetti, and E. maxima. Stock et al. (1967) tested the efficacy of Coyden coccidiostat against the common species of coccidia…

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