
The effect of the glucocorticoidcontaining drug on the morphobiochemical composition of blood and reproductive function in cattle was studied. It was found that against the background of treatment in the postpartum period with corticosteroids, the concentration of eosinophils in the blood decreases by 87.5% (P <0.05), with a stable concentration of platelets. In animals without hormone therapy, an increase in the level of total protein was observed by 18.8% (P<0.01) with a decrease in the albuminglobulin coefficient by 26.4% (P<0.01), which was not observed when using corticosteroids. In the experimental group, the magnesium concentration decreased by 18.1% (P<0.05), with a stable level of phosphorus and calcium. The activity of transaminases against the background of the use of glucocorticoids had no significant changes, whereas in control animals an increase in the activity of AsAT was observed by 29.5% (P < 0.05). The level of total immunoglobulins in animals of the control group decreased by 77.4% (P≤0.001), whereas against the background of Cortexone use, the indicator was 3.9 times higher (P≤0.001). The small-sized CEC in the first group of cows decreased by 58.8%, which is 4.4 times lower (P<0.05) compared to the control group, where, on the contrary, the indicator increased 3.4 times (P<0.05). Similarly, in control cows, a decrease in the size of the CEC was observed, whereas against the background of the use of corticosteroids, on the contrary, their enlargement was observed by 83.8% (P≤0.001). The fertilization of animals after the first insemination against the background of the use of corticosteroids was 43.3% higher, with a lower (0.57) multiplicity of inseminations during fertilization and a shorter (19.2 days; P<0.05) period of infertility. Thus, the use of glucocorticoids in the postpartum period had a positive effect on metabolic processes and contributed to the optimization of reproductive function in cows.

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