
The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between lumbar lordosis and severe menstrual pain and bleeding for the improvement of the health status in women. This was a quasi-experimental study where the effects of a training program, (based on correctional and therapeutic exercises, on primary dysmenorrhoea and menstrual bleeding in women with hyper-lordosis) was determined. The severity of menstrual pain was evaluated by use of a questionnaire. There was a significant incidence of neurological pain, which was not reduced in the control group (who had no exercise). There was a significant relationship between the severity of menstrual pain and hyper-lordosis. In the intervention group, there was a significant decrease in the severity of menstrual pain following 12 weeks of exercise. Hyper-lordosis can be improved by performing corrective exercises and strengthening the abdominal muscles. Impact statement What is already known on this subject? Exercise is positively associated with changes in the menstrual cycle and has beneficial effects on menstruation. What do the results of this study add? This research determines the relationship between lumbar lordosis and severe menstrual pain and the association of severe menstrual bleeding, in order to take effective corrective actions to improve women’s health. What are the implications of these findings for clinical practice and/or further research? Hyper-lordosis can be improved by corrective exercises and strengthening of the abdominal muscles.

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