
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: This research attempted to analyze the negative and positive aspects of Coronavirus: its effect on air quality and traffic volume. The sample city of this research was Tehran and transportation behavior toward the Coronavirus and minor quarantines in specific. METHODS: Six indices were considered for Tehran city in two consecutive years (in quarantine period): carbon mono-oxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matters, air quality index, and daily traffic volume, which depart from Tehran city to other destinations. Daily traffic volume changes were examined for four roads separately, and total departed trips were also investigated. This comparison was made graphically and statistically by using the regression model and one-way t-test. FINDING: Results showed that from 20th February to 19th March, the average of produced CO, NO2, and PM10 decreased in 2020 compared to 2019, but other indices related to air pollution were increased in 2020. The average daily traffic in existing roads of Tehran City was declined significantly in 2020. Regression models and a one-way t-test showed that the growth rate of emission production was higher in 2019 compared to 2020. Also, this rate for daily traffic volume was higher from March 20 to April 19 of 2020 compared to 2020. CONCLUSION: The regression model on indices showed valuable results. For instance, the O3 emission slope in the second month reduced from 0.6 to 0.5; however, the exiting traffic of Tehran city reduced by 47 percent that indicates the higher resident population of Tehran city compare to the last year.

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