
The influence of four pregelatinized starches—National® 1551, Lycatabps, Pregeflo®M, and Starch 1500®—as binders, on the dissolution of acetaminophen was evaluated in a model wet-granulated system. Systems containing 82% acetaminophen were prepared under the same processing conditions and compacted to three target tablet thicknesses. The dissolution performance was assessed using a point estimate of percent dissolved at 30 min (%T30) as well as dissolution eflciency through 30 min (DE30). All four binders evaluated meet USP requirements for purity. National 1551, Lycatab PGS, and Starch 1500 were not affected by compaction force in terms of dissolution performance. Differences were observed between the fully pregelatinized systems of National 1551 and Lycatab PGS, in comparison to the partially pregelatinized system, Starch 1500. The Pregeflo M starch produced a system with delayed drug dissolution and was influenced by compaction force.

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