
The Effect of Community Traditions on Flight Safety at Perum LPPNPI, Semarang Branch, was a descriptive qualitative research study that usedprimary and secondary data. The primary data was obtained through interviews with the Semarang Branch of Air Traffic Control (ATC), while the secondary data was gathered through a literature review. The secondary data sources included Law No. 1 of 2009, Ministerial Regulation (PM) No. 40 of 2018, and relevant journals about this research. A systematic literature review was conducted at Indonesia Flight Polytechnic in Curug using a descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive qualitative research is a research method based on post-positivist philosophy, typically used to investigate objective and natural conditions where the researcher acts as a key instrument. This research aimed to determine whether community traditions that were not in accordance with regulations affected flight safety at Perum LPPNPI, Semarang Branch.

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