
Purpose : To evaluate the antitumor activity of recombinant human tumor necrosis factor-alpha (rHuTNF-α) on a human glioblastoma multiforme (U87) xenograft in nude mice, and to study the effect of combining rHuTNF-α with local radiation on the tumor control probability of this tumor model. Methods and Materials : U87 xenograft was transplanted SC into the right hindleg of NCr/Sed nude mice (7–8 weeks old, male). When tumors reached a volume of about 110 mm 3, mice were randomly assigned to treatment: rHuTNF-α alone compared with normal saline control; or local radiation plus rHuTNF-α vs. local radiation plus normal saline. Parameters of growth delay, volume doubling time, percentage of necrosis, and cell loss factor were used to assess teh antitumor effects of rHuTNF-α on this tumor. The TCD 50 (tumor control dose 50%) was used as an endoint to determine the effect of combining rHuTNF-α with local radiation. Results : Tumor growth in mice treated with a dose of 150 μg/kg body weight rHuTNF-α, IP injection daily for 7 consecutive days, was delayed about 8 days comapred to that in controls. Tumors in the treatment group had a significantly longer volume doubling time, and were smaller in volume and more necrotic than matched tumors in control group. rHuTNF-α also induced a 2.3 times increase of cell loss factor. The administration ofthe above-mentioned dose of rHuTNF-α starting 24 h after single doses of localized irradiation under hypoxic condition, resulted in a significant reduction in TCD 50 from the control value of 60.9 Gy to 5035 Gy ( p < 0.01). Conclusion : rHuTNF-α exhibits an antitumor effect against U87 xnograft in nude mice, as evidence by an increased delay in tumor growth as well as cell loss factor. Also, there was an augmentation of tumor curability when given in combination with radiotherapy, resulting in a significantly lower TCD 50 value in the treatment vs. the control groups.

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