
Microencapsulation is a technology used to produce microscopic particles containing active ingredients. Essential oils can be used as active ingredients in microencapsulations for applications such as aroma control, food, and beverage industry raw materials. This study aimed to determine the effect of coating materials on the encapsulation quality of red ginger essential oil ( Zingiber Officinale Var. Rubrum) in local North Sulawesi by spray drying method. The microemulsion was carried out using CMC, pectin, and gum arabic using 100 g of coating agent dissolved in 100 ml of aquadest (1: 1) then added red ginger essential oil homogenized using a homogenizer for 2 minutes at a speed of 11500 rpm. The ratio of nutmeg essential oil to encapsulant ingredients is 1: 5. The results showed that CMC, pectin, and gum arabic were able to protect ginger essential oil, where the trapped essential oil ranged from 25.56 – 30.90%, essential oil on the surface around 1.20-1.82% with an average moisture content of 6.02 – 7.20%. The best treatment is the use of CMC with the lowest moisture content (6.02%) and essential oils on the lowest surface (1.20%) and the highest trapped essential oils at 30.90%.

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